Monday, February 23, 2009

oncology follw up PLUS another graduation...

it is really becoming a challenge to update my blog in a timely fashion. what can i say, i totally have "life" on my mind and NOT my Cancer treatment....all VERY good developments... at any rate, here is an update on how my last visit went.

11/25/09 - standard follow up. went over my labs and everything was fine. nothing out of the ordinary. we discussed the plan of action moving forward which is to have annual visits and scans. so from now on i will only go in may each year for a CT scan and then a oncology follow up 1 week later. YAY!!!!!!!

it feels good to be pushing things out farther and farther. also, the 4 year anniversary of my being diagnosed with Cancer came and went without incident. EXCEPT, that kennedy was a little sad for me. she is such a sweetie. i have wonderful friends and family around me. LIFE is good. glad to still be around.....4years and "i'm not dead yet"


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