chemotherapy continues...
treatment 5 of 8 (the countdown begins...only 3 left - hooray!!!) -- I apologize for taking so long to post. It seems like the last couple of weeks have flown by. We have been busy with Taekwondo Rank promotion, Dance Recital, and a trip to Griffith, PLUS our regular full schedule.
OK the weeks after my 4th treatment went OK. Follow my normal pattern after treatment. Treatment day & day 1, I fell kind of crummy. Day 2 & 3, I feel VERY nauseous. Day 4 & 5, I feel VERY tired. The rest of the days I feel better each day until it is time to start over.
5th treatment went OK. Only new wrinkle was feeling VERY nauseous when I stepped onto the sidewalk outside the clinic. My doctor said this is "anticipatory nausea" and is very normal/common. He explained my body knows what is coming and starts reacting ahead of time. For once in my life, I would like to NOT be proactive. Why is it when procrastination would be a GOOD thing, I can't seem to do it?
The weekend went OK. The 3½ hour drive to Griffith went OK. So did the return trip. I did find the need to constantly change the radio station in order to keep myself occupied. The kids slept most of the trip, so they did not mind too much.
I am very tired today. I wished I could have just stayed in bed, oh well. I am going to see Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge of the Sith tonight, so I have that to look forward to. I am literally counting the minutes.
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