Tuesday, August 16, 2005

oncology follow up appt. & labs...

Met with Dr. Hei to have follow up lab work and discuss where my treatment goes from here. As for my labs, everything looked good -- blood counts were with in expected levels (except that I was slightly anemic but not enough to worry about).

From this point forward we are basically on a check-up plan - I will see him in 2 months, then every 3 months for a year, then every 6 months for a couple years after that. I will have lab work done at each follow up appointment, PLUS I will have additional PET scans every 6 months for the next couple years. Oh how I L-O-V-E doctor appointments.

Dr. Hei says the worst is definitely behind me. I am cured at this point as there are no indicators/signs of residual Cancer, and my chance for recurrence is very minor. That sounds great, but I was "cured" before I was diagnosed with Cancer; so, I will enjoy being "Cancer-free" for now, and try not to think about whether the Cancer will ever come back or not.


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