Tuesday, June 26, 2007

ct scan and a routine checkup...and one more thing

On June 13, I had another CT scan...it was pretty much the same as always. Get there drink the 4 cups of contrast over 1.5 hours. Go to the changing room, get on scrubs. Lay on the table for approx 20 min as they setup an IV, take the alignment scans, inject the contrast, and finally take the real scans. Back to the changing room to put on my street clothes. Head back to work....I can almost do this in my sleep at this point.

On June 20th, I had my follow-up appointment with Dr Hei. Everything looks fine. Blood counts are good. Scans are clean. Nothing out of the ordinary during my exam. Come back in 3 months.

It has really fallen into a regular pattern. Oh how I love the same old boring routine....after Cancer, unexpected results are no longer a happy surprise.

And one more thing...I have been reading a blog/online journal by a cancer patient in MI. His name is Miles Levin. He has been featured on CNN and many other TV programs. He just went to his senior prom, he just graduated from high school, and he just found out his cancer is no longer responding to chemo...it is really amazing how well he is handling, sharing, expressing, reflecting this horrible turn of event...taking it in stride as a part of life....I am continually amazed at his strength, his poise, his openness, and his courage....check out his story on carepages.com


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