Friday, August 26, 2005

radiation follow up...

I met with Dr. Howard, my Radiation Oncologist, today. He said that I am recovering fine and everything (sunburn/dry skin will go away & my hair/whiskers will grow back) will continue to improve over time. I do not need to go back to see him UNLESS I have any problems and/or questions. He will continue to monitor my progress by checking in with Dr. Hei, my Oncologist, who I will continue to see every 3 months or so.

On a side note, Dr. Howard is very interested in learning Taekwondo. I told him that our group had originally started out there at UW hospital, meeting in a classroom. He will try to get a couple other doctors/nurses involved and try to find a space we could use. Something good may come out of this whole "cancer thing" after all.


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