Thursday, September 29, 2005

ok, maybe i am not as young as i think i am...

Everything is moving along BUT taking longer than I had hopped. I mean, it o-n-l-y took 6 months for me to get into the condition I am in, so why should it take more the a few weeks to get back to myself??? I realize it is going to take time, but it is hard to be patient. We had a Black Belt workout on Sunday (2 hours for 1° thru 4° plus 1 more hour for 3° & 4°), and I was tired after 20 minutes. After the first 2 hours, I was exhausted. We did "push thru the tiredness" and continued for another 40 minutes "walking thru" our 4° material. I guess that is not too bad...

The only lasting side effect of all my treatment is my bald spot from radiation (from the back of my neck to my chin on my right side) AND my lack of energy (I am about to 80% of where I was before treatment BUT my energy drops off fast HOWEVER a new wrinkle is that my minimum energy level has come up from 0% to about 30%, so that is progress).

Bye for now. I will try to post every couple of weeks to let everyone know how my recovery is progressing.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

oh, and by the way....

I am finally getting back to my regular routine, and I am starting to get caught up (a little). I posted a few more missing entries, so I think my BLOG is caught up. FINALLY!!!!!

The kids are back in school, so Zebbi and I are back to playing bus/taxi drivers. The kids schedules include freshman football, forensics, after-school tutoring, watching varsity football, working the Badger home games, dance, Taekwondo, and a tiny little bit of family time. We are making it through everything, but are sacrificing our sanity in the process.

As for my health, things are getting better day-by-day. The only lasting side effects are localized hairloss from the radiation treatments, and a lack of energy/endurance from the chemo. I figure this whole ordeal took 6 months, so it will be approx. 6 months until I am feeling like myself.

Thanks to everyone for your continued understanding, support, and encouragement. Especially, thanks to my entire family (immediate and extended). I could not have made it through everything without your love and support.