Thursday, April 28, 2005

merrily we go along...

It has been 1 week since my treatment, and I am feeling pretty much back to normal. Typically, my pattern has been -- OK day of treatment, VERY nauseous on day 2 and 3, VERY tired day 4 and 5, feeling mostly myself on day 6 and 7 -- days 8 to 11, I feel a little better each day but I am still very tired/worn out -- finally on day 12 and 13, I pretty much feel like myself, just in time to start ALL OVER AGAIN!!!! Oh well, only 5 treatments left. It also sounds like I will probably go straight onto radiation treatment in July. This may be a good move, sine I would have all treatments done by my birthday in August. Happy birthday to me... Happy birthday to me.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

chemotherapy & docotor visits continue...

treatment 3 of 8 (not that I am counting...ok, ok I AM counting) - Sorry it took me a little while (1 week) to post this, but I have been pretty tired. Treatment went fairly well. My white cell count was up (maybe even a little high), so there was no question about whether I would get treatment or not. I was pretty worn out even the first day (which is a little unusual), very nauseous throughout, and cannot seem to get enough sleep (even though I basically slept all day Saturday). Other than that things are OK. My hair is still holding strong, defying my doctor's original prediction of falling out after my second treatment. I did get it shaved down to the scalp one more/last time. From this point on, I am letting it grow out again. Can you say ch-ch-ch-chia?

Saturday, April 16, 2005

moving in the right direction...

Here we are with another weekend. I started feeling more like myself Thursday and Friday. It seems like the pattern of side effects is starting to become clearer -- it takes about 1 week for me to start to feel "normal", and by 2 days before my next treatment, I am feeling completely like myself (just in time to start all over again). This time, I am going to try taking my anti-nausea meds all the way through (last time I stopped for the 2 days prior to my second treatment because I felt so good). All in all, I feel like I am getting a handle on the whole process, and it has not been too bad. If this is as bad as it get, I'll take it. Also worth noting ==> I still have my hair (defying my doctor's prediction), but it is starting to fall out, a little here and a little there. I keep thinking "look snow" like Allison (played by Ally Sheedy) in the 80's movie "The Breakfast Club".

Monday, April 11, 2005

the path gets steeper...

Well, I made it through the weekend. This is probably the worst I have felt. Nothing too horrible, mainly more of the same (nausea, headaches, lack of energy), BUT worse than last time, especially on Saturday. Also, an added "benefit" from the Neulasta is that my bones "ache", especially in my lower back/hips. This is fairly tolerable, except for the fact that it NEVER stops. All in all, it has been OK, but I hope this is as bad as it gets. More later...

Thursday, April 07, 2005

chemotherapy continues...

Treatment 2 of 8 (not that I am counting...ok, ok I AM counting)...I went to treatment today, they drew blood to check my levels, and then I started to get ready for my chemo. My white cell count came back low, so I had to wait to consult with Dr. Hei before they would decide if I was going to have treatment or not -- that's not cool, it would COMPLETELY screw up my gameplan/timeline. While I was waiting, I sat thinking of how I would convince the doctor to proceed as planned. This stategizing reminded me of a school age child trying to convince his/her mom to let him/her stay home because he/she is sick, has a fever, has a cough, is light headed, etc. - ONLY the oposite! For me it was going to be I feel fine, I have not had any major side effects/symptoms, I woulld not be able to come back for 2 weeks which would realy put me behind, etc. Luckily, the docotr was of the same wmindset...continue as planned BUT as a bonus I goe to have a 7 day course of an antibiotic (Levaquin) and get to go in for a booster shot (Neulasta) to help bolster my white cell production. So far so good, I guess.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

a warm thought, a brighter smile......

I found this poem today. It was written by my daughter who is currently in 2nd grade. It always brings a smile to my face and brightens my soul. I hope it does the same for you.

by KMA

Hot summer
Peaceful, beautiful season
Quiet, soft, gleaming summer
Glorious, growing time of year
Stormy, humid, thundering time
Terrific, gentle, sunny time
Lots of fireflies
Picnics too
Outdoor Playtime
I love summer
Don't you?