Sunday, February 27, 2005

telling the kids...

After bringing the boys back home, we sat down together and told all three kids. Zebbi and I had discussed our plan/approach at length and I had found two wonderful article at the American Cancer Society website (dealing with the diagnosis, and dealing with the treatment). The articles gave many great suggestions on how and what to tell kids. They were so helpful that I plan to use the same suggestions when I tell other people in the future.

Friday, February 25, 2005

more good news...

I called to get the results of my PET scan. According to the notes on my scan, there are no other areas of concern. The only "active" area is where the tumor was removed - this could be the healing that is taking place after my surgery or it could be another small node (probably the former). Everything seems to be coming back as good as can be.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

a closer look...

I went to Meriter Hospital for a PET scan. The test itself was not a big deal, although I felt like I was being run through a photocopier again and again. The two tough parts were sitting through the whole process (45 minutes waiting for the die to spread throughout my body, and 30 minutes for the scan), and lying still during the actual scan (in/out of the machine several times).

Monday, February 21, 2005

a little good news...

I called to get the results of my blood tests. Everything came back within normal parameters. So far, so good.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

the words you never want to hear...

My doctor called with the results of the biopsy. He called me at home and said the news was not good--exactly what you never want to hear. The test showed a positive result for cancer, specifically Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin's Disease. He answered all my questions and said he would get started making appointments for blood work, a PET scan, and a consultation with the Oncology department, as soon as possible. I immediately called my parents, brother, and grandparents to tell them the news. My wife called her parent and sister to let them know as well. We decided to wait an tell our kids until we knew a little more information about the exact kind of cancer I had and what the treatment plan would entail.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

the journey begins...

I had a lump removed from my right, submaxillary region (just under my jaw) where I had previously had a blocked saliva gland removed a few years ago. The results from that original procedure showed nothing of concern. This new procedure went off without a hitch. I was in and out of surgery/recovery in just a few hours and was home later that afternoon.