Wednesday, June 29, 2005

2nd PET scan...

(actually written on 7/19/05) I had my 2nd PET scan today. It went fine -- get a shot of sugar water & fluorine dye, sit still for 30 minutes, and then have the scan. Now I get to wait for the results.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

chemotherapy is finally over...

treatment 8 of 8 (THIS IS THE LAST TIME!!!!!) --actually written on 7/19/05-- the 8th treatment was the worst. All I could think about for several days before was this last treatment. I was exhausted and feeling very nauseous going into the treatment. On he bright side, I kept telling myself that it was the last one, so no matter what it would be over soon. (even typing this entry, I am feeling nauseous) All in all, the treatment was uneventful, and I did not vomit. So, a total of 2 "vomiting incidents" over the 4 months -- not bad at all.

my deepest apologies

I owe everyone reading my blog my deepest apologies. I had originally planned to post to my blog approximately once a week, but that has gotten to be TOO frequent. Then I was trying to post after each treatment which was more manageable. However, I have fallen very far behind that goal as well. I am sorry I have not done very well keeping everyone up to date. I will try to do better as I move forward.

I will also be updating my treatment schedule as chemo is ending and I start having other type of appointments/visits. I still plan to post and link these future appointments/visits, as well as, include additional relevant information.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

chemotherapy continues...

treatment 7 of 8 (the countdown continues...only 1 left) --actually written on 6/27/05-- the 7th treatment went OK. I did have the "anticipatory nausea", BUT this time taking my meds to help lessen the effects DID NOT HELP. I am still not "catching up" on my energy level between treatments, and I am feeling pretty nauseous most of the time for the first week after treatment (and frequently after that). This time I did not make it out of the doctors office without vomiting, my first time during my treatment so far. The next morning, when I got to work, I vomited a 2nd time, and then it passed -- not too bad only twice in 7 treatments.

I also left the day after treatment for ATA World Championship in Little Rock, AR. I was worried about the trip down but it went fine. I took everything slow and did more watching than participating. The overall trip went fine, and it was nice to see everyone. I felt like I did not do as much as I wanted and missed out a bit BUT I did what I could AND I will do more next year. I was great just to be there and get my booster shot of ATA enthusiasm.