Tuesday, May 31, 2005

chemotherapy continues...

treatment 6 of 8 (the countdown continues...only 2 left) --actually written on 6/27/05-- the 6th treatment went OK. I did have the "anticipatory nausea", BUT I had taken my meds to help lessen the effects. Not much else is different, other than I am very tired. I do not seem to be "catching up" on my energy level between treatments. I guess this is to be expected, but fortunately I am almost done.

Monday, May 23, 2005

chemotherapy continues...

treatment 5 of 8 (the countdown begins...only 3 left - hooray!!!) -- I apologize for taking so long to post. It seems like the last couple of weeks have flown by. We have been busy with Taekwondo Rank promotion, Dance Recital, and a trip to Griffith, PLUS our regular full schedule.

OK the weeks after my 4th treatment went OK. Follow my normal pattern after treatment. Treatment day & day 1, I fell kind of crummy. Day 2 & 3, I feel VERY nauseous. Day 4 & 5, I feel VERY tired. The rest of the days I feel better each day until it is time to start over.

5th treatment went OK. Only new wrinkle was feeling VERY nauseous when I stepped onto the sidewalk outside the clinic. My doctor said this is "anticipatory nausea" and is very normal/common. He explained my body knows what is coming and starts reacting ahead of time. For once in my life, I would like to NOT be proactive. Why is it when procrastination would be a GOOD thing, I can't seem to do it?

The weekend went OK. The 3½ hour drive to Griffith went OK. So did the return trip. I did find the need to constantly change the radio station in order to keep myself occupied. The kids slept most of the trip, so they did not mind too much.

I am very tired today. I wished I could have just stayed in bed, oh well. I am going to see Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge of the Sith tonight, so I have that to look forward to. I am literally counting the minutes.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

chemotherapy continues...

treatment 4 of 8 (not that I am counting...ok, ok I AM counting) - YUCK!!!!! All I can say is YUCK!!! - I felt nauseous from the time I got up this morning, not a good sign when I have treatment today. Other than that, treatment went OK. I started reading the Lance Armstrong book today (one of my fellow ATA instructors loaned me their copy). The books seems good so far (I am about 100 pages into it), but is very difficult/emotional/too real right now. It is nice to know someone else has made it through this struggle, but reading it brings up a lot of emotions. I will try to post another update after the weekend.